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July 27

Saints Days, Pantaleón, Juliana and Aurelio

1309 - King of Castile, Fernando IV breaks the treaty he had signed with Muhammad III in Granada, and circles Algeciras
1499 - Americo Vespucci, on Spanish financed trip, sights coast south of Cape Cossipore

Enrique Granados - photo en.wikipedia.org

1549 - The Jesuit priest Francis Xavier's ship reaches Japan.
1795 - Spain and France sign peace treaty
1723 - are terminated and blessed the works of the Palace of La Granja (Segovia).
1909 - Spanish troops defeated in the Moroccan War at the Desastre del Barranco del Lobo.
1923 - Appears in Madrid the first number of the magazine Revista de Occidente, founded and directed by José Ortega y Gasset until 1936.
1926 - The Department of Fine Arts confirms that the painting of San Baudelio has been robbed of the hermitage of Berlanga (Soria) and transported abroad.
1932 - A meeting against the Catalan statute held in the Madrid bull ring.
1933 - The Spanish Second Republic recognises the Soviet Union
1936 - during the Civil War, arrived in Spain the first squadron of Italian airplanes sent by Benito Mussolini
1939 - the standing committee of the Parliament of the Spanish Republic decides to dissolve the government in exile.
1942 - Joan Peiró, ex Republican Minister, is shot dead in Paterna, Valencia.
1947 - Spanish Republican government in exile, headed by Rodolfo Llopis Ferrandiz, resigns and is replaced by a chaired by Alvaro de Albornoz and Liminiana coalition.
1955 - Restoration works for the Teatro Real in Madrid is completed after damage suffered in the Spanish Civil War
1966 - The regime of the student associations is modified.
1968 - Madrid, is suspended for two months the publication of the newspaper Madrid.
1978 - Spanish Congress of Deputies approves anti-terrorism laws and the police.
1986 - Major floods in the Murcian orchards are settled with losses of five billion pesetas.
1987 - In the March Library of Palma de Mallorca appears a copy of the work Sum and narration of the Incas (1551), the chronicler Juan de Betanzos vallisoletano.
1994 - Basque businessman, José Manuel Olarte, is killed by ETA in San Sebastián
1998 - Rally driver Carlos Sainz wins the New Zealand rally, his 22nd and a new record
2003 - ETA places a car bomb in Santander airport
2004 - Spain and Morocco agreed to send a joint force to Haiti to participate in workings of stabilization and reconstruction.
2008 - 95th Tour de France won by Carlos Sastre
2022 - Shakira opts to go to trial in Spain over alleged €14.5m tax fraud.According to her lawyers, the 45-year-old Colombian rejected a plea deal offered by the Spanish authorities and wants to prove her innocence in court

1806 - Francisco Méndez Álvaro, politician and doctor.
1835 - Augusto Ferrán, writer (d. 1880)
1867 - Enrique Granados, wrote piano music, chamber music (a piano quintet, a piano trio, music for violin and piano) songs, zarzuelas, and an orchestral tone poem based on Dante's Divine Comedy born in Lérida (d. 1916)
1927 - Berta Riaza, actress.
1936 - Josep Termes, historian (d. 2011)
1939 - Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, writer.
1951 - Eduardo Gómez, actor.
1951 - Bernardo Atxaga, writer.
1965 - Óscar Vega, boxer

1276 - James I of Aragon the Conqueror was King of Aragon, Count of Barcelona and Lord of Montellier from 1213 to 1276, King of Majorca from 1231 to 1276) and Valencia from 1238 to 1276. His long reign - the longest of any Iberian monarch - saw the expansion of the Crown of Aragón in three directions: Languedoc to the north, the Balearic Islands to the southeast and Valencia to the south. By a treaty with Louis IX of France, he archived the renunciation of any possible claim of French suzerainty over the Country of Barcelona and the other Catalan countries  (b. 1208)
1834 - José Imaz Baquedano, economist and politician (b. 1767)
1837 - Pablo Morillo, soldier.
1901 - Antonio Maria Cascajares, cardinal, councilor of regency of Maria Cristina of Hapsburg-Lorraine.
2007 - Manuel Calvo Pumpido, businessman and sports manager (b. 1938)
2007 - Gabriel Cisneros, politician.
2008 - José Luis Ugarte, sailor.
2017 - Commotion for the loss of Lucía and reports she was only three - the Guardia Civil found her body by the railway tracks who disappeared from Pizarra- the autopsy shows that Lucía died from strong blow to the head, without any other injuries - a tragic accident hit by a train - the child disappeared on Wednesday night when dining with her parents on the terrace of a bar in Pizarra - she walked nearly three kilometres and is believed to have fallen asleep on the railway tracks - she was found at 7am